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Forward fold 

At CC Yoga I aim to nurture mind, body and spirit. I want to inspire young people to develop a strong love and self care routine for themselves through yoga. 


At CC Yoga I offer private one-to-one classes from my tranquil home studio in Staffordshire or from the comfort of your home via online lessons. I’m a qualified youth yoga teacher working with ages 10-24 only. 


Being a young person nowadays can be very hard work, with high expectations heaped upon them from school or work. The mental impact can be a struggle emotionally, physically and cause stress. 


My classes give you an opportunity to leave the heavy load at the door and connect back into your true-self unlocking your inner child. A taste of connection to something deeper than the overwhelming situations we are faced with, just sitting and experiencing the calm of this very moment. 


Classes include physicals asanas, yoga sequences, breathing practices, meditations, relaxation techniques and Svadhyaya (self reflection) focus through journal entries. 

Find all prices on the FAO page. 


Downward facing dog 







The start of my journey 


My passion for yoga began in April 2018, when I experienced trauma for the first time after loosing my father to suicide. I was working as a full time self employed music teacher and trying to continue to build my business alongside juggling new emotions I was faced with when grieving. It started to take a huge impact on my mental, physical and emotional well-being I was tired and regularly unwell and felt extremely lost. 


How yoga found me 


I have attended a couple of yoga classes but I always found I preferred to practice on my own and study my practice through books or online tutorials. I’m a self taught yogi and I don’t come from a gymnastic or dancing background, when I first started I could barely touch my toes! Each week when I rolled out my mat I was hooked on the feeling of how relaxed I felt and how easy it was for me to express emotions more. I found my inner strength was growing back and confidence to express how I was feeling. I have always been drawn to the more advanced poses, they make me feel superhuman and I can rekindle my inner child. 


Passing my love of yoga on 


As a singing teaching I work with many performers who struggle with performance anixety so I thought why not introduce relaxation techniques to my students to help them. The profound effects after starting my classes with these simple exercises helped them to connect with their performance on a much more deeper level. 


As my personal practice has grown I knew I wanted to pass these skills on to other people. I took the jump and did my online training with the wonderful Nathalie from Live Love Yoga and gained my first 40 hour vocational youth yoga and mindfulness certifcate to teach youth yoga. 


CC Yoga was born 


This is the beginning of my yoga teaching and I look forward to seeing where this will take me. Many people know me for my work with music, I have over 8 years of experience working on a one-to-one basis as a music teacher but as always I like to keep learning, growing and expanding my business. Here is to meeting new people and helping you grow! 

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